Sunday, July 14, 2013

..:Week28:.. love ..:Project52:..

Oh how I looooove love love everything about this! Fireworks, summer, friends, family, food, swimming, drinking, 4th of July. This holiday is truly my favorite day of the year! Having love in your life is what makes it worth living. Some people give that love to their careers, making money, material things, and countless other things. While us lucky ones are surrounded by true love from friends, family, and even someone special. 
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” 
― Mother Teresa

Sunday, June 30, 2013

..:Week 26:.. rest ..:Project52:..

Once you finally make it through and get what needs to be done take time to relax! Enjoy nature and spoil yourself... you earned it. I absolutely love everything about going to the spa; the smell, the massages, the pools, the spas, the view, and the fact that you have absolutely NO responsibilities. Find time to put your phone away and just clear your mind because it is absolutely necessary and you will feel sooooo much better for it!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

..:Week 24:.. journal ..:Project52:..

I might not be that great at it but writing things out has always been one of my favorite things to do. The importance to me is pouring my heart out and being able to reflect and look back on it late. The focus is never on neatness, style, and thank goodness not spelling... just simply getting my thoughts out.  I keep a journal for when I read my bible, my dreams, I will write when I am frustrated, I have journaled frequently about my first year of teaching, and just started a weight loss and other goals journal. I love that a journal can be as creative or simple as you would like and they can be private or shared. Blogging to me is just another form of journaling, and while I love typing my heart out on here, nothing compares to the feeling of getting your thoughts out paper to pen and reading it back over. I would encourage anyone and everyone to journal in one way or anther. Take the time to acknowledge and record you thoughts and feelings because whether or not they make sense, they are yours at that time and in that place in your life.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

..:Week23:.. escape ..:Project52:..

Working right down the street from the airport and seeing planes take off has made me want to jump on one and escape reality more than a couple times... No I never did, but I definitely plan to! I want to travel the world and escape the day to day normalcy that I am so used to. Los Angeles is amazing and I don't think I could ever live outside of California for a long period of time, however; I have a deep longing to explore this vast world. I want to see different places, meet new people, hear new ideas, and have great adventures. Sure, I am grateful for the life I live but I truly need to get out and see all that there is to see...

Monday, June 3, 2013

..:Week22:.. move ..:Project52:..

Moving on is never an easy thing to do and I hope for most first year teachers that this is not required at the end of the year. Unfortunately, for me it sure is. Packing is a pain, uncertainty is scary, and leaving people you have grown to love is tough. But God has to close doors so that you will go in other ones... or however that saying goes! Bye bye.... it was fun! Wish me luck!